Installing WordPress on local computers offline
by Rachsoft

Menersakan previous article about Creating Blog with WordPress script, Insa Alloh now I will discuss an article about how to install wordpress to the local computer is offline, which is the first step of the three steps you have to do to build a blog or website using wordpress script.
Sebalum you continue reading this article you must first know what a webserver, PHP and MySQL database enterpreter, the article can be read here (Preparing to install the PHP programming language) selanjutya after you read it you must know how to installation of all these programs are united in the program AppServer , and the way the install you can see here.
After that you downloaded at wordpressnya script or you use the script I use to in this article here, after you get it and then you open the file and folder www extrack at C: \ AppServ \ www. then rename the folders as you wish my example merenamenya with belajarwordpress folder name.
After selesei mengextrack then open your browser and then typing http://localhost/belajarworpress address, an address depending on the time when merename your wordpress folder with a name merenamenya then contohwordpress address to access it later is http://localhost/contohwordpress.
Once you access the page then the page will look like the image below:
You are told that there is no wp-config.php file and then click the button to create a configuration file. after that look like the following pages:
After that click Wordpress appears that the information requires some information, of course you need to know the information required by wordpress. The following information, name of the database according to the database you will use, then the database user name, password, database host. Penguna name database for the username on your mysql database is usually called root, password as when you install AppServ you then host the contents of the database with localhost.
Button clicks before you come, you must first create a database for wordpress, you can access phpmyadmin in your browser window must be on the other does not interfere with the current browser window you use to install your wordpress it will be used again, and then create the database. In this tutorial I create a database for my wordpress belejarwordpress name like the following picture:
After that back to the browser window you use to install your wordpress, then let's click the button, then exit the page like the picture below, fill in all information correctly, sis on the database name with the name of the database you created, here I was belajarwordpress database that I made earlier, then the root user name and password empty because when I empty the AppServ installation, and then host the contents of my database with localhost, you are also similar when using local computer as a webserver, then do not prefix table in the change. then click the button deposited
After that click the button to run aplikaisi, if at this step might be your error menginputkan wrong information in the previous step
After the blog's title and content of your own email if I fill like the following picture:
After installation selesei then you will be notified that penginsatalan successful and will be given a username and password to log into your wordpress, do not forget the password given, can you change the password on the admin area.
After that you can log into wordpress as administrator on http://localhost/belajarwordpress/wp-login.php address, as shown below and then input your username and password provided when installing.
For selanjutya article I will discuss about how to manage and fill out wordpress, but I'll use wordpress berbehasa to be more formal English, as most scripts used English language, and for the installation of the English wordpress steps with this article, only a language course different.
Until here this article, hopefully useful to you, if you have any questions please send to my email at
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