Identify Website
by Rachsoft
Website is a tool that is used for a particular purpose menyeleseikan using the internet network. But the goal of creating a website is very diverse ranging from the product, inform the information, tools to promote products to mengexpresikan hobby for someone.
Initially the website can only communicate one way we create the website and then people can see our website on the internet with a network address mengetikan URL. Along with the development of information technology and communication technology was born that is the web 2.0 technology is able to create a website that can be two-way communication between visitors and pengelolola website. Pengujung can fill the guest book, they menginputkan comment, fill the data etc., technology is usually referred to as a blog.
Blog is a website that bersipat CMS (Content Management System) is a type of website that we can make it easier to manage in the Content (content of the website) in the website. With this CMS you can memnambahkan / fill posting news and information easily without need to create a new page manually.
Blogs are usually created by using a script that sipatnya IM, which can be obtained from the Internet from a free, up to a paying one of the script pupuler namely WordPress, Joomla. And for those of you who are still a beginner you can use a free service provided by Google that is om for learning materials such as such as this blog.
Getting Started Building and Blog Website bagian1
Before we make a website or create a blog we should mempersiapkannya first, the preparation that you must first prepare the domain for your website. What is a domain?.
Domain is the address of a website that you want to create (URL) address is unique, the address as a way to your website., A domain that is divided into two top-level domain, low-level domain. Top-level domain consists of the domain:
. com is usually used for commercial organizations
. org is usually used for non propit
. edu is usually used for the educational institution or University
. gov is usually used for non-military organization pemrintah
. mil is usually used for the organization's military government
. xx two hurup for the country code (en: Indonesia, sg: Singapore, etc.)
Low-level domain-level domain under the top level domain. see this domain, domain-rahman hidayat is then a domain consists of two domains, namely.,. is a web domain with a low level (below) and. id is a domain with top level, if you still do not understand try to see examples of this,, and many more examples
To get this domain we have to buy it from a vendor website domain, such Webhost that provides all the domain as a domain for sale. Com,., etc.. But there were also a given domain such as a free, etc., on how to get a free domain or buy domain paying insa alloh I will make turorialnya later.
Specify the domain you use for your website that will make this domain as a way to be a web / blog anda. The domain name will be used freely, based on the goals would like a job mengmbil destination name from the website to provide job information, or kalow blog is usually shaped as the name of the owner of this blog, or apasaja suit you.
Then you have to prepare than one domain you need to prepare, that is Hostingdalam posting Preparation Building bagian2 Website and Blog, and articles I create akan insa continue tomorrow alloh visit my blog for this megupdate various articles, hopefully useful. thanks
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