Melanjutikan posting yesterday about the domain, I will now discuss the preparation of the second set that is often called or Hosting Webhosting (webserver). What is Hosting?, Where to get it?

View-based means, hosting in indonesia the House, and it was the same as with the hosting of this is meant merely different understanding, if a house in the day means a day that we live where people, animals etc., but hosting atuo house here that is where all the save files / data akan your website that will make your website so that this can be accessed on the Internet without time limit.

Files that you create a website must be stored in a particular host to be accessed by everyone on the internet. to get the hosting you need menyewanya to put all your files, the more money again ????, I also tuh. teryata also have websites that provide free hosting service for you, you can utilize without any money out for rent se senpun hosting. one of the website is You simply enter your email address username and password when registering, you can use the facilities. insa alloh article I will take advantage of free hosting to create websites or blogs.

Continue to do what hungungannya hosting and domain? question is that I wait-gunggu, the relationship between the hosting and domain hosting store all the files your website and domain to give way to the people (internet users) to access the website you are (the files website). so the conclusion is the domain of your website with internet users.
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