Understanding Programming Languages Bagian1
by Rachsoft
What is the application programming language? for what function? and what is the difference with the usual application softwere program, what type? and how do I use? I will study this one-at, of course according to the author.
What is programming language? I believe before membahasnya sure you know what the computer application program such as MS Word, Adobe Photoshop. Programming language is a language that is recognized by the computer to translate the sequence of commands written by the programmer (the program) to menyeleseikan a particular problem in the form of a particular application program. So conclusion Sofwere programming language that is a program aplikasikomputer the dugunakan to create a computer application program to menyeleseikan a problem.
Function of programming language that is as a computer application program, eg the example we have a prusahaan that is still operational activities in the manual to optimize mengefektifkan activities and operations, we can make a computer application program in accordance with your company's operational activities by using these programming languages.
The difference between programming languages with a common computer applications we use every day that a computer program that we use seheri made-to-day use the programming language. while the application programming language that is a program to facilitate the application we create a program in a particular application using a particular programming language.
Good until segini first time posting on this language pemrogaman I will continue tomorrow or the day after tomorrow tungguin aja ya! easily that this article bermangfaat for you all. Continued ... ... ..
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