Hi all apakabarnya? both at the opportunity this time I want to share a little experience on simple tricks protect confidential files or folders from your hands ignorant that you do not want. but before you read further, you should first read my previous article about the file format Zip and rar.
Ok if you have read me, please continue reading this article, artkel is mentioned in that file with the zip / rar files you can protect / forlder have the hands of the ignorant? how tuh? but yah ntar first author would like to make the first coffee .. he .. he
Whether I continue to secure the folders or files that most dismpan in a folder so the first step you must do is protect folder, seems hard tuh? I do!
Ok I will explain to you how that consists of several lankah, and you must mempraktekannya sequentially from first to last step.
The first step: select the folder that you want to protect, eg, you will protect the folder named Data_rahasia, then a shortcut from the folder, right-click with the way the folder and choose create Shortcut or right click and select send to desktop and then select. Now after you create a shortcut, we will hide the folder diprotesi with the right-click the folder (not the shortcut that we created) select properties then select the tab general checklist at the Hidden and click ok.
Step two: you must set the folder option to not display the file / folder is hidden in the (hidden). in a way that is open Windows Explore and then select the Tools menu and then select Folder Options and then select the View tab and click the button Raio ... ... ... ..., well after the settings folder then we will have protection and you are hidden and others will not see it, but you megetahui have the folder and you can access it using shortcutnya that you have made, but before you use it you must follow the next steps is the most important steps in this article.
To step three: the need to protect this lagkah shortcut that you create with a simple function of zip and rar files so that when we called it then there will be a password verification in accordance with the function you desire simple. steps are: right-click the shortcut, then select send to then select Compressed (zipped) Folder, then click yes. nah after this step then there will be a new shortcut file with your file format. zip, and then delete the original shortcut because you do not need it anymore. and open the zip file you have created bisanya its application program pembukanya default from windows XP after open the File menu and then select Add a Password Select and fill in your password as you wish and fill again confirm the password after that click the OK. step up to this folder you safe from the hands of others.

selanjutya important step but also to be followed to prevent the other people that can not change the folder option in windows explore.
Step four is to disable the folder option in windows Explore the steps:
1. Click the start menu and then select run and type regedit and press enter trus
2. Akan then exit Registry Editor

3. Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced
4. click on the word Advanced right click and select Rename how to add x to be behind him Advancedx.
Nah selesei all the steps it is now other people will not be able to access your confidential data because they must enter a password first. the trick is hopefully useful for those of you who want to have when asked to send an email rahman_hidayat09@yahoo.co.id.
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