Zodiac 2011

Zodiak 2011 : Hi to all .... Want to know your zodiac forecast today and this month, Jobs Career, marriage, luck, health and fortune.

For 2011 zodiac forecast you can see below:

Zodiac Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)
Asmara Capricorn 2011: The Capri this year is very happy and prosperous, especially you who already have a partner. You will feel closer to your spouse and feel grateful for their presence is always accompanied in every day.
Capricorn Health 2011: always reminded to be careful in terms of diet and daily activities, particularly those related to the bladder. Drink plenty of fruit and to avoid the disease, and always at the recommended to-eat foods that are fibrous. sex safety is also very important for terhidar of infectious diseases, especially for those who are male.
Career and job Capricorn 2011: mining, interior designer, architect, designer jewelry and Beautician. Suggestions: facing new colleagues and clients needed a sense of responsibility and work hard to be patient and explain the important things in the beginning of cooperation.

Zodiac Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)
Asmara Aquarius 2011: Based on the position of Venus in 2011, this year many constraints in terms of romance to be found Aquarius. Because of the many problems that arise, they are so overprotect against the couple and the fear of losing their loved ones.
Aquarius Health 2011: Lack of sleep and rest becomes a big problem for Aquarius. Note the intake as well, because high blood pressure can be a scourge that is harmful to you. Nothing wrong with discipline in the hours of sleep and exercise regularly, to avoid heart disease and stroke.
Career and job Aquarius 2011: expert philosophers, engineers, consultants, and calculations of astrologers. Suggestion: people who are gifted and realistic Aquarius are advised to be more humble in the work to get full support from colleagues and subordinates.

Zodiac Pisces (February 19-March 20)
Asmara in 2011 Pisces: The Pisces are still too confused and indecisive. Some problems in the romance raises substantial doubt.
Pisces Health in 2011: heart problems tend to overshadow the Pisces in the year. Especially if you can not avoid foods high in cholesterol. Problem there is the possibility of burns occur in the middle or end of the year, should be careful when near the fire element can mebahayakan for pisces in this year.
Careers and jobs pisces in 2011: a painter, a member of the Navy, pharmacy, nurses and social workers. Advice: Citizens Pisces is sensitive and creative should be actively looking at new things.

Zodiac Aries (March 21-April 19)
Aries Asmara in 2011: Influenced by the motion of the planets Jupiter and Saturn, so this year Aries will experience a lot of emotional upheaval.
Aries Health in 2011: an attack of fever may not be as normal influenza. Should do a blood test if a high fever. It is recommended also for you to exercise regularly. Select the type of sport that engages the whole body, such as running, swimming, or aerobics because there is a trend in your weight go up too much for 2011.
Career and employment Aries in 2011: surgeon, soldier, athlete, industrial, mechanical. Suggestion: with courage that became a natural gift of Aries, you are advised to take the lead co-workers with new and innovative ideas in attitude.

Zodiac Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Asmara in 2011 Taurus: The Taurus will be happy throughout the year 2011, they really enjoy her love relationship. Both the singles and pairs, they are ready to find happiness in love.
Taurus Health in 2011: Beware of low blood pressure. Stress is a major cause of health problems experienced by Taurus. We recommend that adequate rest is a priority, because it also affects hair loss and skin problems.
Taurus Career in 2011: jewelry designers, actors, bankers, fashion designers, property dealers. Suggestions: Taurus who likes to work hard should not be stubborn in the work to get support from the people who matter.

Zodiac Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Asmara gemini in 2011: more passionate about romance in her name this year, both the singles and pairs.
Health gemini in 2011: Be careful for the Gemini, health problems in the past year will continue. Pressure of work and too memforsir themselves make health a frequently disturbed. Problem throat to the lungs can become increasingly severe if left untreated. Avoid sleeping and bathing too late, and places a damp or cold.
Career and job gemini in 2011: journalists, accountants, writers, representatives, news readers. Suggestion: before working on new projects in 2011, we recommend that you remove all the confusion and clean up the existing discord.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Asmara cancer in 2011: According to predictions, Cancer will be dealing with the old girlfriend or maybe meet someone in the past.
Health Cancer in 2011: If Cancer can not control your emotions and thoughts, so digestion problems will be a big problem for them. Better to try to calm down. Do yoga or breathing exercises that make the Cancer to be more calm. Keeping the doings of foods and avoid foods that are too spicy will also be very helpful.
Career and work with cancer in 2011: fisheries, an interior designer, historian, Navy, dieticians. Advice: Mute bicker from family to work in peace.

Zodiac Leo (July 23 to August 22)
Leo romance 2011: This year is quite bright for the Leo. Some of them are not convinced by the couple began to change and become better prepared in living relationships.
Leo Health in 2011: While the other zodiac should be very careful with his health condition, Liu will be stable throughout the year. Only minor health problems that may be experienced, but will not cause big problems. Sporting a rather heavy portions required by the Leo, particularly those who have a problem with fat around the waist.
Career and job leo in 2011: diplomats, politicians, investors, civil servants. Suggestions: Leo people are dynamic and charismatic advised to decide and take decisive action and careful.

Zodiac Virgo (August 23 to September 22)
Asmara virgo in 2011: In 2011, the Virgo will this seem more possessive than the previous year. Especially for those who just find a spouse and an affair.
Health virgo in 2011: All Virgo are encouraged to pay attention to doings of the food. Virgo is predicted to experience problems gastrointestinal infections. Highly recommended for picky Virgo for food, and hygienic must be considered.
Career and job virgo in 2011: astrologers, physicians, mass media, accountants, arithmetic-counting. Suggestion: a calculating approach to the strategy needs to be shown Virgo citizens in the work to get the maximum benefit in 2011.

Zodiac Libra (September 23 to October 22)
Asmara in 2011 Libra: The Libra should be more assertive to choose between love and career in this 2011. Make a priority is needed for both of them are still able to walk in balance.
Libra Health in 2011: For Libra no health problems to worry about. Just do need a lot of practice breathing, and increasing intake of vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin E and C.
Career and job Libra in 2011: judges, actors, advertising, fashion designers, models.
Suggestions: Libra citizens are cooperative and easy to socialize suggested to solve the problem at work with patience and optimism for the year 2011.

Zodiac Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)
Scorpio Asmara in 2011: Tends to go up and down, especially in terms of emotion. This is directly related to love, who do not understand their partner.
Health scorpio in 2011: There are problems in the back and joints in the year. Digestion also must be considered, especially if you are a hard worker who often forgot the hour meal.
Career and job scorpio in 2011: nurses, police, doctors, insurance, chemical experts. Suggestions: Scorpio is ambitious and has a keen intuition should focus on the goals, coupled with support from colleagues and team at work.

Zodiac Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Sagittarius Asmara in 2011: About falling in love. Whether you already have a pair and still single, you made a flowery feel in love.
Sagittarius Health in 2011: The Sagittarian in this year will be far from serious health problems. Some minor health problems would be experienced if not careful. Especially if you're a woman, then there is little problem on the problem of menstrual periods. Meanwhile, another problem occurs only if you eat less and less attention to hours of rest.
Career and job Sagittarius in 2011: law, banking, athletes, religious leaders, shoemaker. Suggestion: do not change jobs in early 2011.
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