Success is not the intent, nor travel. Success is a mindset. 
Mindset is a firm belief that the basis of responses and interpretations which are owned by somebody. He is the backbone of all right action, which will take you to the summit of Mount Success. Success does not belong to a handful of people who are "lucky" to become successful, because everyone inside is a successful self. 

I was successful, my success is. Success in me. Wealth and social status in society is the result or consequence of the success that is projected outward. Mindset can successfully be raised in various ways. The most basic way is to use positive words and visualisasi.Kata hyper-hyper and said the most effective visualization is to imagine yourself an abundant and generous (like sharing) to those who truly need them. 

Recite the words of hyper and visualization 10 times each hour. In one day, do the 16 periods. Please do continue for a year without interruption. Make this a new habit, like brushing teeth and bathing. 
Make the process of change in this mindset with a relaxed and willing hearts. There is no sense of compulsion and no sense of hurry at all 

The key to being financially free (rich) is projected to have a successful mindset correctly, that is accompanied by awareness of the spiritual and philanthropic giving.

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