For those of you who do not know, Gmail is no option to display signature Sent from location / town when we send the email. Be written in the signature sent from, for example, sent from Bandung which will appear automatically without us write it.
This will be very useful especially for those who are in a way that does not know exactly where exactly is, or for those who frequently travel out of town or abroad.
Simply .. how to settingnya, Please Log-in first to Gmailnya then follow the steps - these steps:
1. Click the Settings Menu
2. Select Tab Labs

3. Find a Location in Signature (bottom) Click on the option enabled. then click save Changes

4. Select Tabs General. In the Signature option check Append your location to the signature, and then click save changes.

To try out the results, please create a new mail, click Compose Mail, in signaturenya must have appeared a city / location where you are.

Hopefully useful.
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