Articles NoWsms

In this article we will learn together through a wireless connection, meaning sms will be sent from gsm card which we positioned as a gsm modem. And sorry that ip sms connection nyoba belon authors ..... : D
The following scheme of the system will authors discuss:

The following tools and materials should we provide (see scheme in your part of the system):
1. 1 computer; we use OS Windows XP
authors use Win XP on a laptop Byon Centrino Duo, 2G RAM.
2. 1 pc gsm modem or mobile phone that can function as a gsm modem
authors use the Sony Ericsson K750i with a number IM3
3. Cable or bluetooth to connect to the HP with the computer; author using cables built from SE K750i
4. Driver or PC suite mobile; author using the PC suite is already available in the sales package SE K750i
5. 1 pc mobile phone to send sms; authors use Motorolla W150i with Fren numbers
6. 1 piece of software as a gateway; we use nowsms
7. Apache, MySQL and PHP; authors use AppServ 2.5.7
The first step is to install AppServ on our computers.
1. test in the browser by typing http://localhost is already showing?? If it appears that web server can.
2. further tests http://localhost/phpmyadmin type. If it's the way that PHP and MySQLnya already functioning well
The second step is to connect the HP with the computer. Do not forget to install the driver or the HP PC Suite. Make sure the HP and the computer has been connected properly.
or the HP PC Suite. Make sure the HP and the computer has been connected properly.

The third step is to install NowSMS. File installer Now SMS / MMS gateway cuman 7.42 MB and can be downloaded easily at This software paid but we can try to free and full functional for 60 days. (Mmmm herbal medicine on the internet a lot tuh ... kalo pengen xixixixi make continued ......)
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